Mickey Mouse Vs Winnie-the-Pooh Horror Movie

Disney’s Steamboat Willie’s public domain entry sparked a surge in horror films featuring Mickey Mouse. This trend continued with Winnie-the-Pooh’s entry into the public domain. Now, it escalates. On Wednesday, “Mickey Vs. Winnie,” a horror movie pitting the two characters against each other, was announced. Production is ongoing in Michigan.

Glenn Douglas Packard (Emmy-nominated choreographer and Pitchfork filmmaker) will direct and produce the upcoming film “Mickey vs. Winnie” from an original script under his Untouchables Entertainment banner, alongside creative partner Rachel Carter. Anthony Pernicka, founder of iHorror, will also produce the film.

“Horror enthusiasts crave the electrifying experience of iconic figures from franchises like Aliens and Avengers colliding on screen,” Packard stated. “Despite licensing challenges hindering such crossovers, ‘Mickey Vs. Winnie’ stands as our homage to that captivating fantasy realm.”

“We’re excited to present an innovative twist on horror. Our Mickey Mouse is distinct from any previous portrayal. We’ve eschewed masks in favor of profound, live-action horror incarnations that blend innocence and malice. Witnessing these chilling scenes will forever alter your perception of Mickey.” – Pernicka

In 1920s, two escaped convicts find themselves trapped in a cursed forest, consumed by darkness. A century later, thrill-seeking friends venture into the same woods, unaware of its horrors. Their getaway turns into a nightmare as the convicts mutate into grotesque doppelgangers of Mickey Mouse and Winnie-the-Pooh, terrifying the group. Amidst violence and gore, the friends battle their beloved childhood icons, fighting for survival and liberation from the forest’s grip. In a chilling climax, Mickey and Winnie clash, leaving a gruesome testament to the curse’s power.

Why Did Steamboat Willie Enter Public Domain?

Due to copyright laws, the first incarnations of Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse were made available to the public on January 1st. These laws stipulate that characters and stories are protected for 95 years post-publication, becoming “free game” for interpretation one year later. Consequently, the 1928 animated shorts “Plane Crazy” and “Steamboat Willie” by Walt Disney are now in the public domain.

Beloved characters entering the public domain have sparked a trend of horror movie adaptations. In 2022, Winnie the Pooh joined this realm and received a horror film, “Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey,” with a sequel and third film underway. Notably, Mickey Mouse has also been the subject of horror films, including “Mickey’s Mouse Trap” and “The Vanishing of S.S. Willie.”

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